

Ance | L'Aquila





70° anniversario ANCE | L'Aquila





Graphic designer for logo,

corporate image, brand identity, advertising campaign, promotion, adv billboards, cover, poster art,

brand creative consulting,



Ance L'Aquila (Provincial Building Constructors Association of the province of L'Aquila) represents and associates construction companies of every size and legal form operating in the field of public works, housing construction, industrial commercial construction, building promotion and in all specialist sectors. It adheres to the National Association of Building Constructors (Ance) and, together with the other provincial association structures, to the regional category organization. Represents and protects the interests of building contractors at the provincial level and, therefore, undertakes to promote the image and interests of the associates towards public institutions and all the economic and social components of the company operating in the territory. [...] Ance l'Aquila undertakes to guarantee a central role for construction companies by supporting them in any initiative aimed at expanding the market and at organizational renewal".
My graphic project was selected to visually represent the seventieth anniversary of Ance L'Aquila. After a first phase of the concept, followed the graphic design of a symbol that had inside itself significant elements of the building organization, which made the 70th year since the foundation of the Ance L'Aquila to guarantee the stability and effectiveness of the organization and that, in some way, redeem the latter from the continuous media attacks suffered in the post-earthquake period by lightening, by contrast, the corporate perception through colors and natural elements and lightness such as, for example, the white and the sky. The images show some of the elements created for the coordinated image such as letterheads, letter envelopes, notepads, folders, business cards and for the advertising campaign composed of printed elements such as banners, posters and through new media.